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All For Three Words

All For Three Words novel is a urban story about Lin Jue.

All For Three Words novel Preview

"Lin Jue, come and take this foot wash away!" The mother-in-law, Wang Yuzhen nudged at the rim of the water basin. The disdain in her voice was leaching into the air.

"Please wait for a moment, Mum. I will pour the water away once I am done with the dishes." Lin Jue who donned an apron responded from the kitchen, playing his part as a house husband by tending to domestic chores.

"For goodness sake. Are you deaf?! Put away the foot basin RIGHT NOW!" It seemed that something must have angered Wang Yuzhen so much that she came home today with a look of absolute annoyance.

Lin Jue's body trembled in response to his mother-in-law, coupled with anger mounting inside of him. He clenched his fists tightly. Even before he could respond, he heard his wife, Shen Peibai calling out to him from the living room. 

"Lin Jue, did you not hear what my mum said? Do you have to infuriate her?!" Lin Jue's wife accused him coldly, with a hint of immense hatred and disappointment in her tone of voice. 

Shen Peibai had attractive features. She was overall an extremely beautiful woman. With a height of 1.68 metres, she had a fair complexion and a pair of beautifully slim, long legs. After soaking her feet, she applied some moisturising skin lotion on her well-carved legs. While doing so, she shouted at her husband in the kitchen.

"You are such a piece of trash! You can't seem to do anything right! Today, I went to play mahjong with Auntie Wang. Her son-in-law is in the senior management of a big company. He drives an expensive car and owns a luxurious house. Well, look at you, you cannot even be compared to him! In fact, you cannot even be compared to a dog. Such a worthless person! Trash! I would rather own and raise a dog." Wang Yuzhen kicked the foot basin away, causing the basin to topple and the water inside to spill all over the place.

"Lin Jue! Are you planning to annoy the hell out of my mum? What are you waiting for? Come and clean up the floor right now! Being married to you is the biggest mistake of my life!" Shen Peibai also grew angry with her husband. Ever since moving in with her in the past year, he has not been going to work, causing great embarrassment to her family. She did not even dare to let her friends know that the man she was married to had been such an utter disappointment. How embarrassing!

While busying himself with the dishes in the kitchen, Lin Jue's body shook terribly upon listening to his wife's remarks. He could not take this lying down any longer and neither could he control the anger welling up from within, so he smashed the plate that he had just washed onto the floor, causing a huge commotion.

"SHUT THE HELL UP, YOU BOTH!" Lin Jue snapped at the duo who were in the living room.

It was the first time Wang Yuzhen and Shen Peibai witnessed Lin Jue blew his top. They were both taken aback and unable to utter a word.

Seething with anger, Lin Jue clenched his fists. He was, to all appearances, the Shen's' matrilocal son-in-law. But the truth was, he was the heir to the business empire of a low-profile yet prestigious family in Yanjing! Indeed, there was a reason why he had agreed to become a matrilocal son-in-law of the Shen's despite his substantial status.


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All For Three Words novel Review

Why is it that a person's worth is measured by material things? Can't someone who isn't rich or powerful be valued as a person other than be humiliated and belittled? Nice book though. I like it. -- Rose Mashaba

The storyline is good you will not feel bored. Looking forward for the next chapters -- Gino Santos

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